Family-participation: an análisis of educational policyin early childhood educatión in Chile


  • Braulio Navarro Universidad San Sebastián
  • Nadia Godoy Avilez Universidad San Sebastián
  • Ilia Ávarez Vidal Universidad San Sebastián



Family, participation, educational policy, initial education.


Educational research shows us that the family is fundamental in the teaching-learning processes and that its intervention together with the educational community contributes to the development of children. From this perspective it is essential to know the educational policy in initial education and analyze what This manifesto of the family and its relationship with nursery education.

The objective of the study is to know the state of the educational political situation in preschool education linked to the family. Given this assumption, a study of descriptive characteristics emerges with a method of documentary analysis from the main documents that govern the state of the educational situation. kindergarten in Chile.

The results show that the vast majority of the educational policy documents analyzed do not have a solid theoretical basis to substantiate the importance of family participation. On the other hand, a functional view of the topic is evident from an educational space that is clearly sociocritical.

In conclusion, it is declared that an educational policy is necessary for family work and initial education from a socio-critical perspective, leaving aside the functional perspective, said policy must be focused on participation as greater collaboration between all the actors involved in the education of boys and girls, which in turn would contribute to improving the quality of teaching and learning at this crucial stage of child development.


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How to Cite

Navarro, B., Godoy Avilez , N. ., & Ávarez Vidal, I. . (2024). Family-participation: an análisis of educational policyin early childhood educatión in Chile. Interdisciplina En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 9(2), 49–63.