Creativity of action as a possibility of transformation in the pedagogical task


  • Carmen Carmen Burgos Universidad de Atacama



emancipation, creative action, work, pedagogical, equity, social justice


To think about the emancipation of the teacher in the school from the current of critical thinking, we present the idea of creative action as a possible rethinking of the teaching exercise. To account for this, we address the subject in three moments: Creative action and emancipation as an object of central analysis; second, this positioning is addressed to understand the inequality in the educational system and the latent ideas that appear in the  teacher’s  belief are characterized from there From the intersection with the ideas and theories of bibliographic analysis, and, from the interpreted discourses, the premises on equity ascribed to critical theory are enunciated  Maintaining that an educational theory based oncreative action and applied to the acts of formation, generates transformations in school culture; specifically in the curricular subjects, in the organization of learning and in the institutional environment, assuming that such a change should have projection in a social-system that tends to better stages of development and social justice


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2020-06-11 — Updated on 2020-06-11


How to Cite

Carmen Burgos, C. (2020). Creativity of action as a possibility of transformation in the pedagogical task. Interdisciplina En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 91–108.