Estudios en el Campo del Currículum Latinoamericano
Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024)The journal Propulsión, an interdisciplinary journal in social sciences and humanities, has the pleasure of inviting all researchers, academics and professionals in the educational field to submit their studies and contributions related to the field of curriculum. We seek to promote a space for confluence of knowledge and debate, addressing the challenges and crossroads that the curriculum faces in this 21st century, especially from the Latin American perspective. Crossed by unprecedented events - such as the pandemic -, geopolitical reconfigurations, the breaking of cognitive borders, accelerated socioeconomic and technological changes and the emergence of new problems from the democratic commitment and social justice with the peoples of our countries. The cultural and affective turn implied by the new social, transversal and particular contours, question the usual arrangements and configurations of the future, the political-academic directions, the conceptions, the educational relationships, the pedagogical practices. A pivotal moment that often oscillates between prescriptive and destructuring curricular perspectives, with a differential impact on curricular policies and on the reformulations of a “complicated conversation” (Pinar, 2014) that particularly crosses the different educational 'levels', the processes and the subjects.
ProPulsión. Disability dystopias, inclusion and socio-educational experiences
Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)Dystopias allude to the emergence of social changes in the face of hegemonic positions and others that refer to the development of knowledge capitalism. Due to the fact that it accounts for a transversal phenomenon in political and ideological controversy during the 20th and 21st centuries, namely: the growing predominance of science and technology, used as tools to increase power and domination directed at groups excluded from people, including those with disabilities, where physical and psychological degradation dominate social spaces. In the predominance of science and technology, decoupled from their ethical considerations, for the purposes of exercising the power of some groups over others. This is ultimately the utopia that has gone wrong and that has fed the dystopian genre for a century with views on access to services in a society.
In the field of Social Sciences and Humanities on which the call for research will be carried out, the need to contribute to topics that strengthen the production of scientific knowledge in a critical modality is evident, contributing with results that benefit the dissemination of ideas, proposals , discussions and findings on the following thematic lines:
Society, Modernity and hegemonic discourse
Education, culture and exclusion.
Disability and educational inclusion.
Discrimination, minorities and educational access -
Interdisplina en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023)The volume collects different perspectives on education, society, meaning. The transmedia routes and learning spaces of ubiquitous environments are addressed. A look at the territory and its narrative, semiotic analysis to glimpse gender issues and disagreements among other interesting topics, interdisciplinary methodological strategies to observe reality. Regarding positionality, the political consideration of philosophizing, philosophical ontology, ethics and humanism is noted. The number is consistent with the interdisciplinary approach for the social sciences and humanities of the journal ProPulsión
Interdisciplinary in social sciences and humanities. Citizenship, participation and change
Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023)Changes in current societies are permeating the identities of citizenship. It is necessary to speak of citizen participation as a trigger for changes, an identity that can be described through movements and displacements of the meanings with which democracy, the educational, the political, the social are named.
In this number, studies that take on the citizen and its problems, poverty, uncertainty, misinformation, communication, citizenship and the role it plays are privileged. Citizen participation, among others that are plausible to frame a broad vision of what is being experienced in different countries of Latin America and Ibero-America. Structural and current changes. Think of ourselves as citizens exposed to the problems of climate change, centralization, emerging social patterns, disruptive policies, among others. The invitation is to proposals that force us to stop at the possible stories of being and lean towards a citizenry that seeks justice and peace.
Interdiscipline in Social Sciences and Humanities
Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022)El volumen N° V de revista ProPuslión aborda la interdisplina para la investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades. Destacando en éste volumen las investigaciones que aborden problemas actuales y objetos de estudio desde miradas disimiles.
Discurso de odio, segregación, violencia en medios de comunicación y espacios formativos
Vol. 4 No. 1 (2022)"Cada artículo una aproximación a realidades situadas, no es un afán por aprehender la inmediatez, de antemano el estudio de las realidades de América Nuestra, no es algo fácil, porque la interpretación de la actualidad puede caducar en el corto plazo, por ello cada artículo toma distancia de ser una argumentación semejante a un órgano de transmisión fiel y escrupulosa, acuciosa, de transmitir conocimiento de realidades concretas pasadas a generaciones incipientes, de ser un amontonamiento aplastante en una pronta basura cultural, por lo contrario, intenta reproducir y recrear, es la simiente, que rinde fruto, en la implicación de trascender y revindicar, de repensar desde la historicidad concreta de América Nuestra. Porque en el acto dinámico del análisis y la búsqueda del diálogo, el pensar significa una construcción epistemológica atravesada por la reivindicación y posicionamiento, de un hacer y quehacer ético de compromiso y responsabilidad, que se construye dialécticamente con las y los otros (es)". Vilchis, 2022 -
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)La Didáctica es abordada desde distintos campos disciplinares, y, se constituye en el eje del ejercicio práctico del docente. Como acto poético, es un proceso creativo, en éste se aborda la teoría, el conocimiento y realiza la apropiación, así como la operacionalización del ejercicio docente en virtud de necesidades contextuales, experiencia, contingencia existente en cualquier ambiente que se presente como posibilidad para lo educativo. El arte, al imaginación, fluidez, pensamiento divergente, creatividad, acción, e imaginación son nodales para la comprender la operación didáctica y la puesta en marcha de los procesos creativos en general.
Revista ProPulsión. Interdisciplina en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)Dear readers, despite the circumstances we are going through during 2020, we were able to work on this second issue of the Propulsion Magazine, dedicated to interdiscipline in Social Sciences and Humanities. In this edition, which covers the July-December semester, we bring together six academic articles from different disciplines whose communicating vessel was History. When the call was opened to receive the articles presented here, we did not expect that chance or fate would have the fortune to bring together the writing and ideas of six talented researchers who offer us a particular and personal vision of the history seen in its relationship with the philosophy, anthropology, economics, politics and archeology.
Here are two reviews, and some works by the guest artist to delight our aesthetic gaze.
We hope you enjoy this issue with best wishes for this year 2021.
Revista ProPulsion. Interdisciplina en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)El primer número aborda temas relacionados con la interdiscplina en educación. Además de la presencia de la filosofía en los paradigmas y anadmiajes concepyuales que sostienen lo pedagógico y educativo. Inetresantes abordajes además de la presentación de dos reseñas de libros y un artista invitado.