Teaching Representations Of The Distinctive Elements Of Professional Performance In Hospital Classrooms


  • Carla Palma Flores Universidad de Atacama
  • Helen Díaz Peña Clínica Dávila
  • Elizabeth Zepeda Varas Universidad de Atacama




Hospital School, socio-affective skills, bond, emotional education.


The teaching work carried out in hospital schools, although curricularly is framed within transversal educational policies for the different levels of education and guides their teaching work through the current guiding instruments, there are particularities that are characteristic of genesis of these schools, which mark important differences with traditional schools. These differences are reflected in different elements reflected in the daily pedagogical work; the type of bond that is established between students and teachers, the orientation that is given to parents and guardians, the curricular adjustments, among others. These elements that are part of a hidden curriculum, where hospital schools face multiple differences related to the health status of students. This research seeks to describe the representations of professors and professors who practice pedagogy in hospital schools.

Among the main results, the importance of emotional education is highlighted as a core element that runs through the entire educational process and the link between teacher and student, based on the pedagogy of affect.


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How to Cite

Palma Flores, C., Díaz Peña, H., & Zepeda Varas, E. (2022). Teaching Representations Of The Distinctive Elements Of Professional Performance In Hospital Classrooms. Interdisciplina En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 5(2), 85–101. https://doi.org/10.53645/revprop.v5i2.92