Effects of Karaoke training on cognitive skills in elderly people


  • Sebastián Felipe Martín Pávez Universidad del Alba
  • Maria Sandoval Universidad del Alba
  • José Ernesto Riquelme Henríquez Universidad del Alba
  • Rodrigo Fuenzalida Cabezas




habilidades cognitivas, karaoke, Moca, Fab, personas mayores, demencia


The purpose of this research was to measure the effectiveness of a cognitive training based on Karaoke in people from 60 years old or more. Using a quantitative, quasi-experimental and cross-sectional methodology and a descriptive and comparative scope, the cognitive state of 23 participants divides into 3 groups (according to intervention time) was evaluated using the MoCA and FAB tests. In conclusion, the results indicate that cognitive intervention through Karaoke is effective with 4 or 5 weeks of duration, twice a week, for an hour. The effect is observable mainly in Visuospatial skills, Executive Functions, Delayed Recall and Attention.


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How to Cite

Martín Pávez, S. F. ., Sandoval, M., Riquelme Henríquez, J. E. ., & Fuenzalida Cabezas, R. . (2024). Effects of Karaoke training on cognitive skills in elderly people. Interdisciplina En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 8(1), 23–38. https://doi.org/10.53645/revprop.v8i1.123