E. P. THOMPSON, el papel de las clases populares en las transformaciones histórico-económicas del capitalismo


  • Fabiola Jesavel Flores Nava UNAM. FACULTAD DE ECONOMÍA




experience, historical, agent, class, subaltern, groups


This article highlights the importance of the different theoretical-historical concepts created by EP Thompson to understand the dialectical relationship that exists between the idea of ​​experience - seen as a process of historical formation or as a space from which meaning is given to the world- , the concrete plane on which capitalist modernity is based, and the transformations generated by the praxis of popular classes in the interaction of these two dimensions of reality. At the same time, there is a special interest in one of the most radical concepts in the work of said author, that is, the concept of the Moral Economy of the Crowd, with which we can understand the historical complexity on which social movements are constituted anti-capitalists. Finally, we want to insist on the emphasis that Thompson himself places on the definition of class, where he highlights the need to think about it, rather than as a given fact, as an active process and in constant historical relationship.


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2021-01-15 — Updated on 2021-01-15


How to Cite

Flores Nava, F. J. (2021). E. P. THOMPSON, el papel de las clases populares en las transformaciones histórico-económicas del capitalismo. Interdisciplina En Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 2(2), 54–69. https://doi.org/10.53645/revprop.v2i2.52